Monday, 18 June 2012

Worthing Open Houses

Some of Naomi Frances' lovely stained glass
Worthing Open Houses (for those who don't already know) is a bit of a summer art trail, where the events take place in people's homes.  You basically register your house... and voila! (I'm leaving out all of the paperwork side of things and organising, because fortunately for me, I am very happily exhibiting at a friend's house.)  You get a lovely map with lots of places to visit, and for 3 weekends, off you go!

This is the first time I have actually participated in this.  In previous years I have enjoyed popping around to various houses on the trail having a good old nose at all the art work (and marvelled at the home owner's generosity in opening up their house for the duration).

This year, we are at Naomi Frances' house, which is number 41 on the trail.

I even made bunting! *proud sigh*
I must admit, it's been a little chaotic getting everything ready for the occasion, and Naomi has done lots and lots of work to get her house "open house ready".

Last Thursday we dropped off all our various art works, and come Saturday morning at 11am, it was all ready to view!

Art work here by Paul Woolford, Marie Vickers and Naomi Frances
Saturday itself was a rather quiet day, but we were competing with Party on the Prom and the Children's Parade.

However, Sunday was a slightly busier day...and I even made a sale! (Ok, it was only a card, but very exciting all the same, thank you very much.)

Just 2 more weekends to go!

Marie x

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I always like to read your views - all welcome!

Marie :)