Monday, 21 May 2012

Messy times

I seem to always end up working in a bit of a mess, despite best efforts to keep organised! 

However, not surprising really, as I have been a little busy finishing off some projects...

First of all, I FINALLY finished my quilted throw, done using free-motion quilting and this took a lot of time, and a LOT of thread...

work in process - not long to go now...

Front of the quilt

back of quilt - used a "stippling effect"
Also, my daughter was delighted that I also finished her dress this week.  It should have had a lovely pink sash to go with it, but she insisted she didn't want one!

The finished dress!
My beautiful daughters

I have now started working on a new quilt from a Moda Jelly roll I was given as a gift for Christmas... I really love the colours and fabrics, so hopefully I will do it justice!

Marie x


  1. If it is mess, it's very pretty mess and look what comes out of it! I do like that quilt.

  2. Thank you! Looking forward to seeing some of your sewing creations! :)


I always like to read your views - all welcome!

Marie :)