I seem to have unfinished bits and pieces everywhere...
The dressmaking course I started is going very well, and the skirt itself is almost finished. I am quite proud that I have learned to top sew - IN A STRAIGHT LINE! And finished a hem with some bias tape *proud moment*!
My quilted throw has stalled, the free motion embroidery is taking aaaaaages, plus not helped by the fact I had to unpick a load of it, as I had sewn part of the backing that had folded back on itself.. grrrr...
But on the PLUS side, I have been working on some lovely mirrors I found at a car boot fair. They looked a bit sad, to say the least, so they have been given a make-over, and I love them!
1930s style make over |
Vintage notions make over |
1950s style make over |
Homage to Singer make over! (some of the clipart featured here is courtesy of the Graphics Fairy) |
My next post is going to include the pictures of my FINISHED items. (Always helps to give yourself a deadline!)