Monday, 27 February 2012


Seeing a lot of owls being made at the moment, thought I would have a go at one for my niece's birthday.  It's not turned out too bad, perhaps a little cross-eyed, but hey-ho!

Friday, 24 February 2012

Lino update

Really like how this print turned out - very nice also to use  a proper printing press!!

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Lino Printing

Love the idea of lino printing, but always seem to have trouble making the time to do it.

Had a bit of time yesterday, so decided to have a quick to at a figure that I really liked the look of (one of the old "Windmill Girls" apparently).

I must say, so far I am pleased with the results.  I particularly like the white ink version.  I need to cut another print in the "negative" and see how that one turns out.

That will be my next post...

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Bit of this, bit of that...

Been feeling really rough this week, so although I had started (what I thought) would be a very quick quilted-throw for the living room, is turning out to be anything but!

Squares sewn together, yet to be sewn to wadding and back.
Instead of the 'stitch in the ditch' technique, I decided to have a go at some free motion quilting instead (hence the time it's taking).  I am enjoying how it's looking (see below) but I am finding it quite a strain on the old domestic machine!

Come on, you lovely Singer, you can do it!!

Also, I have started a sketch that I am hoping to turn in to something more... just need a few more hours in the day, please!!

Long Live the Charity Shop!

Two days before Christmas, I was fortunate enough to come across a Singer sewing machine in excellent working  condition for the grand price of £10 - my best bargain yet.  I love it.  Long live the Charity Shop. 

my machine-embroidered elephants
Over the last few months, my local charity shops have supplied me with lots of fabric too.  

As a result, I have tried to be quite productive and over the last few days have made some more tote bags, which look a lot better than the ones I have done in the past.

I have used some Suki Iron-On transfers on one, and a bit of machine-emboidery on another.  Not bad either as I am trying to use only re-claimed fabric.

Onwards and upwards!
Gorgeous Suki transfers